Cooper High School

If you’re looking to find homes near Cooper High School, we’ve specified this search just for you. Similar to Abilene High, homes near Cooper High School will be in well-established neighborhoods and are close to the conveniences of town.
Cooper High School, located at 3639 Sayles Blvd., was founded in 1960. The city started the school to handle the increase in school-aged children as a result of the post World War II baby boom. They named in after Oscar Henry Cooper who was president of Baylor University in Waco from 1898-1902 before moving to Abilene. The schools boasts over 2,200 students as of 2011. Their mascot is a cougar. Their sports teams are notable and several players of varied sports have gone on to be pro athletes. Their academics post a 41 percent participation rate for advanced placement.
If any of the homes near Cooper High School interest you, feel free to give us a call and one of our agents will set up a showing appointment at your convenience.